Construction Cork Building Materials

Cork is a great gifts from nature, its obtained from cork oak without harm trees, its durable, recycled, sustainable, biodegradable, soft, warm, comfortable, eco-friendly, and also resistant to mildew, rot and mold, thermal insulation, buoyancy, hypoallergenic, water resistant, sound absorption and soundproofing, anti-static, anti-allergenic, all those factors makes its an perfect materials for building, building with cork are more and more popular in recent years.

Senmeng is a professional supplier of construction cork building materials, which can provide you the most suitable building solutions. We providing cork floor tiles and covering, cork wall tiles and covering, cork background wall board, cork rolls, cork underlayment etc., all products could be customized under your requirements, please contact us to get more.

Cork Floor Tiles

Cork Flooring & Cork Floor Tiles

Lightweight, formaldehyde-free, sound proof and uniform temperature, comfortable to walk over.

Delicate and elegant coloring, creating a better life.

Cork Wall

Lightweight, thermal insulation, formaldehyde-free, sound and noise absorbing, convenient construction, the durability of cork material add the service life of the wall.

Cork Wall 2
Cork Wall Tiles (1)

Lightweight, thermal insulation, formaldehyde-free, sound and noise absorbing, easy to install, various patterns to selection, satisfy your unique lift style.

Cork Rolls

Multi-scenario application, often used such as photo walls, background walls, message boards, etc. in homes, offices, kindergartens, schools and so om.

Cork Rolls


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